Thursday, April 10, 2014

Blog Post #7: 21st Century Learning Tools

quote about 21st century learners
Blog Post #7: 21st century Learning Tools This week our class was given the challenge of searching on our own to find 21st Century learning and communication tools that we have not already discussed in our EDM510 class. I thought this was going to be a challenging assignment due to the fact that we have already been introduced to a vast number of invaluable tools that we can use as future teachers. I began my search by looking at the blogs of tech savvy teachers that I have been introduced to through this class or have found on my own since class began. I think did a simple Google search for great technology to use in the science classroom. Between these two methods of searching I found more technology than I could imagine I could ever use. I had to narrow the list down to three tools so I chose the ones that I think will be of immediate use to me as soon as I start teaching.
logo for collaborize classroom
The tool that I think will be the most helpful for me to merge my classroom daily with technology is Collaborize Classroom. Collaborize Classroom provides a free site that is safe and password protected for your learning community. It provides space for streamline conversations, debates, poles, student opinions and arguments, and even allows a teacher to post practice test. A teacher can make attachments of pictures, documents, PDFs, and videos. I think this will be a perfect place to share lecture videos for my flipped classroom. It even has a place to manage grading, track activity, and to build online portfolios for students work. There is topic library that gives access to a vast and growing collection of teacher-designed lesson plans. A teacher can create new lessons and assignments here and share them with other educators. In just one click a teachers can download peer reviewed topic-based lessons. I believe this tool can provide me with everything I need to create a flipped classroom.
The second tool that I am happy to have found is PBS Learning Media. This sites provides materials for all subject areas and grade levels. On the site you will choose a grade level then subject. Next you can choose from thousands of resources such as videos, interactive, documents, images, audio, lesson plans, media gallery and even self-paced lesson plans. With this resource I can find materials to use in class or to put on my Collaborize Classroom site for students and parents to view at home.
remind 101 statement
The last tool that I believe will be very helpful for communication with students and parents is Remind101. Remind101 providers a safe place for teachers to text message students and/or parents for free. Messages are sent via an Android or iOS app without ever having to share phone numbers. Individual messages are not sent and replies are not allowed. Remind101 keeps a digital log of all messages sent which can never be edited or deleted. A teacher can schedule text messages to be sent at a later time. This messaging system will be great to send quick reminders about field trips, homework, tests, schedule changes, forms to turn in, or just simply fun facts or motivational messages.


  1. Hello Allison,
    Great job on your post! I enjoyed exploring each of your tools. In the past, I have used Remind101 with my mentor teacher. She uses Remind101 daily to help remind students about homework, projects, documents to be turned in, and upcoming tests. She also has the Remind101 texts sent to the students' parents so everyone knows when assignments are due. Thank you for sharing these tools!

  2. Hey Allison,
    I enjoyed your blog post! The one app that I know I will use the most is the Remind101. This app I know will benefit students and parents. As a future teacher I will use this app with my students.

  3. All three were new to me. They all seem to be very useful.

