This is Not Goodbye
What I Have Learned in the Last Eight Weeks
Wow! So many Skills:
I've gained so many useful skills from this class. Can you believe I did not know that there were search engines besides Internet Explorer. I now use Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari and I know to avoid Internet Explorer at all cost.
I know how to create a blog. I never thought I would be a "blogger" but now I am hooked.
I know how to create a link and how to copy and paste a link. I also know what a url is and I've even learned a little computer program language.
I now know that pictures on the internet need to be encoded with descriptions so that blind people can have a description of the picture. I also know how to give credit to the person who took the photo.
I know how to make videos, edit them, and publish them so they can be embedded into a blog post or other site.
I know how to use Google Docs to make a survey and I can distribute it and interpret the results. I can even make a Google Movie presentation with slides and add audio recorded with Audacity or Screenjelly.
I can record a Vocaroo and make a Wordle. I didn't even know what these were eight weeks ago.
I know how to make a time line with Timetoast.
I know the basics of operating a Smartboard and that there are a tremendous number of programs available to use with the Smartboard to make lectures more interactive and interesting.
I know what a PLN is and I can make one.
There has been so much I've learned I hope I did not leave anything out.
The best thing of all that I learned is that I can teach others to do the things I have learned to do.
Time Management: So important!
I've learned that procrastination does not work well in this class. To succeed in EDM310 one must manage their time and work on something everyday. I've learned to better manage the little time I have and I've learned to function on less sleep which may or may not be a good thing.
Be A Part Of Something:
I've learned that EDM310 is worth being a part of. Going to this class is very beneficial.
Some days I learned so much from just listening to other classmates talk about what they discovered and I also shared my discoveries with them.
I learned how important Jamie Lynn and Anthony are to all of us since they are fellow students and have recently experienced what we are going through and are there to help us along our way.
My opinion is that EDM310 has set the bar for all other education classes. I know I will not miss the deadlines but I will miss this class.
Wonderful Mentors:
I once heard that to be successful you should surround yourself with successful people and do what they do. Thanks to EDM310 I am now able to do this. Through the use of the internet I have become familiar with wonderful teachers from across the country and across the globe. I have access to blogs by Bill Chamberlain, Joe McClung, Mathew Needleman, Mrs Cassidy, Richard Miller and the PT England School as well as others which can stimulate me to become a more progressive, creative and effective teacher. I have also been moved by the inspiration of Randy Pausch which has left a signifigant impression on my future.
Final Thoughts
I have learned that before this class I knew almost nothing about being a good teacher and even though I have learned a lot I can never stop learning.
I have learned that there is a better way to teach. There are methods that I could have never imagined before my eyes were opened in EDM310.
I have learned that I want to be a tech literate teacher so I can give my students every opportunity to learn without barriers.
What You Should Know Before You Take EDM310
Come to class everyday even if it is not required. Work on part of an assignment everyday. Do not procrastinate. Do not get behind because it is very hard to catch up especially in the Summer semester. If you do get behind work harder to catch up and do not skip assignments. Every assignment that you are given has meaning for your future as a teacher.
Look at several blogs from previous EDM310 classes before you even begin the first assignment so you can have an idea of what is expected. Look for teach someone videos. You may find instructions for skills you will have to learn to do. At the beginning of the semester learn from previous blogs what a PLN is. This will help you out when you have to create yours.
Really learn how to do every skill that is required because you will likely have to do many of them again and also you will want to be able to teach someone else how to do them.
Pick one of the assistant instructors to befriend and become comfortable with. Do not be afraid to ask questions but try to accomplish things on your own first. Use the email addresses you have been given for help. Someone will answer you.
Make good use of all the instructional videos, they are invaluable. Put the instructional video in one tab while you are working on your assignment in the other that way you can switch back and forth between them. This will make accomplishing the assignment much easier.
Make links for teachers that you like. These are teachers you can learn from by following what they say and do for many years to come. Use Twitter to help develop your professional social network. These will lead to more links on your PLN.
Think of this class as an enlightenment and as one of the best thing you can do for your career as a teacher. Have a positive attitude and do not give up because it will get better.
This is such a valuable post. I am happy that you feel so confident about your teaching abilities-- and even happier that you have made so many meaningful connections. Despite the fact that I was distracted by Jamie Lynn's frog game today-- I am happy that we will continue to have classes together so we can keep learning from each other. See you next semester!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fabulous reflection. Your review of what you learned is delightful to read, and very meaningful to me. Your comment about being part of a community means that we are getting close to the dream I have for EDM310. And when you wrote "Think of this class as an enlightenment..." I was really moved.
ReplyDeleteThank you. Your contributions to the class have been enormous. I hope you will continue to be a part of the EDM310 family. We went to Alba Middle School Tuesday and have several heads full of ideas of how to connect there. Maybe we can get you involved in those plans. You would be a valuable addition to the group of contributors to the Alumni Blog. If you have time, leave a comment or two on a student's blog next semester. And come by the lab to see us.
Best wishes!