Smartboards: Are They a Smart Idea or a Dumb Initiative?
Michael Stanton's, Why Smartboard Are a Dumb Idea and Bill Ferriter's, Why I Hate Interactive Smartboards, are both opinionated attacks on the validity of the usefulness of smartboards. They both express that smartboards do not improve learning nor do they give kids an interactive learning invironment. Mr Ferriter says that smartboards do little more than replicate traditional teaching methods. They both lable them as expensive gadgets that are only used to impress but are not cost effective. I think that these guys must not have done there research on what is offered for the smartboard.
I found a blog called Getting Smarter With Smartboards. This blog includes endless numbers of links to downloads for teachers to use on their Smartboards. Eventhough I have never used one, I can see that they are a very interactive tool and I cannot help but think that those who are opposed to them are wrong. They are colorful, innovative, and captivating. I can see that they would capture and hold the interest of students making teaching more effective and learning fun. Getting Smarter With Smartboards
EDM310 For Dummies and The Chipper Series
Jamie Lynn and Dr strange did a really great job on the Chipper Series. It makes you feel really bad about not getting things in on time. I guess everybody has excuses but we just have to work harder not to use them. I myself have unexpected difficulties and am struggling to keep up. I WILL get all my work up to date because I want to learn something from this class. What we are learning is too important not to do it right.
I also love the EDM310 for Dummies video. I can completely relate to the feeling of frustration and wanting to throw the keyboard at something. I was right there a few hours ago and will probably go there again before the end of the semester but I will persevere. I will not be defeated and I will use the manual and support system to help me along the way.
A Video I would Like to Make
Funny that this question is presented now. I was just saying to my fourteen year old son that I would like to make a video with him about his experiences with Smartboards in the classroom. We would discuss the ways in which he thinks they were effective for him and also the things that he did not like about them. I think it would be very beneficial to get a students perspective in order for us to learn how to use them more effectively.
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